Monday, May 12, 2014

Four Church Tour

The first two churches in which I preached were known to me from our teaching and visiting last September. At that time, Jesus Cares Center declared that I was the first missionary to have ever come to their area. It’d been long since that teaching and reconnecting with these people to encourage them was most definitely a highlight.

The second two churches were new to me, I think Pr Tsofa knows everyone in coastal Kenya, and were equally as welcoming as the first two. The hope of returning for teaching sounds in all of our hearts. People in far away villages never really believe any muzungu will come to them let alone return, so this was the perfect opportunity to show them the love of Jesus and to deliver the message called “Love Written in Blood.”
Adu Baptist Church, Adu

Jesus Cares Center, Adu

Shomela Pentecostal Church, Shomela

Majengo Calvary Hurch, Wakala

After church activities remind me of Little House on the Prarie

 With only 10 minutes for each church, the message was short but it went something like this.

A man was in a train accident and lay unconscious for hours. When he woke he realized he was lying in a pool of his own blood. Believing he was sure to die, he dipped his fingers in his own blood and left the words “I love you” on the back of the train seat in front of him (an exceedingly summarized true story). Love written in blood.

Did you know someone has left you a message of love written in his own blood? Jesus Christ.

Like the man who wrote his message in blood as a reminder to his family, Jesus gave us “the cup” (communion, a symbol of his shed blood) as a reminder of his love for us (Luke 22:20). And what is that message of love?

1.      Christ's death shows us love's duty. Jesus said in John 12:27, "Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour."  
2.      Christ's death shows us love's determination. “From that time forth Jesus began to show his disciples how he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day” (Matthew 16:21).
3.      Christ's death shows us love's depths. A woman left her husband for another man and after living with him for a year decided she wanted to return. Her husband had been praying for her, and gladly welcomed her back. Though many of his friends told him he was "crazy" for taking her back. "Jesus doesn't quit me no matter how I treat Him.  I can at least try to treat my wife the same way," he said. 

Number 3 is particularly poignant in a culture where men can have as many wives as they like and where village women are so deeply dependent on their men. So this small story spoke very powerfully to the congregations about the depth of love Christ has for us.

From the end of the sermon we asked the group if they believed in Jesus, if they knew he loved them, and if they wanted to be part of his family forever. Alter calls like this, particularly with a muzungu preaching, often result in every body standing to accept Jesus and so we left them all in the hands of the capable pastors as we excused ourselves for our next church.

I am so blessed! Thank you for making it possible for me to be part of such an important tour.