Thirty-two pair of Sensible Shoes were given at Redeemed Gospel Church in Kiwanza, Kenya. The shoes are so secondary to the encouragement to "Be imitaters of God as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love" (Ephesians 5:1). We use this verse as a foundation from which to pray into the future of these children, the community, and the body of Christ.
Every Sensible Shoes ministry experience is so different. The number of children, access to water, empowering pastors, space, and the Holy Spirit shape what this time together looks like. But I guarantee that EVERY ministry experience is so moving it leaves us all wanting more.
These beautiful feet wait patiently for their gift and prayers. |
Pr Ephantus preached a great word to encourage the children to remain in Christ as they grow. |
Pr Johnson's wife is a gifted woman of prayer. |
Pr Johnson made some powerful prayers over the children in his church. |
After each child received his or her shoes, we gathered in a circle for the Ephesians 5:1-2 "Walk in the way of love" message. So thankful to also have the opportunity to pray over these children. |
Some of the bigger children did not receive shoes for themselves, it's almost impossible to guess the correct sizes for 32 pairs of feet. They humbly requested (and received) a pair for their younger siblings at home. |
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