Monday, July 30, 2018

Sensible Shoes: Kilifi

The Inner Healing ministry team served the children of this little primary school near Kilifi Town with 100 pair of Sensible Shoes. The children were so lovely in their welcome and their songs. As it happened, they were almost exactly 100 in number and almost all the shoes we had were the right size for these precious ones.

As is our custom, we taught the children a simple less on about walking in the way of love from Ephesians 5:1-2. When asked what it meant to love someone, they were very insightful: be kind, respect, obey, help, give, and more. What humbling examples of love, these children were.

We washed every foot and all their toes as we prayed for them to also walk in love. Once these excited little ones were finished, we prayed over their future lives. We prayed a growing intimacy with the Lord, that they would have healthy encouraging spouses, that they would have positions of leadership in the church where people sought them out for guidance, that they would have successful businesses, that they would have positions of leadership in the government, that one among them would become president someday, and that they would never lose their way.

Please continue to pray over these children and all the children who participated in Sensible Shoes ministry these many years. God bless you.

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