Monday, June 18, 2012

BISB Pastors' Conference

The sounds of worship echoed through the half-completed church building in Kilifi, Kenya. This mixture of voices, foreign to one another, perfectly harmonized. The sweet aroma of the Lord filled the house and a mighty wind blew through the giant open window frames (as did the birds). Surely the fulfillment of this dream for Biblical Life Ministries was anointed.

My role was one of general assistance to Kelly and Kathy and the teams, teaching two workshops, and encouraging pastors in whatever way the Spirit prompted. But something funny happened and I wasn’t prepared. The pastors were encouraging me. Several people made sweet comments that sounded like they must be speaking of someone else, but after the second time I started wondering…was God trying to tell me something? Am I not who I thought I was? Am I not kind enough to myself? Praise God if it’s true.

And again, something funny was happening. Even more people made prayers and prophesies about my widowhood, people who know nothing of this detail. At this I began to release myself, to let down the walls of professionalism and conference assistant and to allow myself to really experience the presence of God. So many wonderful testimonies from a number of people about the many ways God was moving through this conference.