Wednesday, February 9, 2011

KOWH Bible Study: Week 4

The widows of Konoweka Orphans and Widows Hut studied the topic of fellowship from Growing Strong with God in the Mom’s Ordinary Day Bible study series. The 15 copies of the book were distributed so groups of three women or so could look on. We read the story of Job and his friends – Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar – and talked about what it means to have close friends as compared to having good friends. We know from the story that Job’s closest friends eventually gave him some foul advice. Contrasting that part of the story with our ow
n relationships helps us understand how to be a good friend to others.

I continue to wonder at holding a Bible Study with a group of 50 women with fewer than three Bibles are available. This is not a case of not bringing the Bible; it’s a case of not having a Bible to bring.

The very capable Pastor Jessica will conduct the last two studies from the book with the ladies after I leave. I love having established a model for the women to work together in small groups and having provided a tool to help facilitate that learning. Studying the Bible is a great way to invest in these ladies, but equipping them to study for themselves after I am gone is even better.