As I reflect on my time in East Africa, I am surprised by the number of instances when God opened doors for ministry. Why? Why am I surprised that he goes before me to arrange the places, provisions, and people with the goal of accomplishing his purposes? Perhaps the reason for my constant surprise is that, from my perspective, we live in a world between faith and the fall and sometimes I expect to experience more of the fall than of the faith. In short, I sometimes under expect what God can and will do to see that his purposes come to pass.
So why are all these opened doors presenting themselves so readily? When we do what God has asked of us, when we have the kind of relationship with him where we are acutely attuned to his presence, there’s a kind of synergy. It’s like the door opens as my foot lifts off the ground – you can’t tell which is first. Please don’t misunderstand. I am no one special. I have no special gifts, no special access, and by all means have accomplished nothing in my own power. And yet…I feel that I am the only other person in the world who has access to the Father. I mean, that I feel I have his undivided attention any time I look up at his face. I don’t have to vie for his affection with 6.5 billion other siblings.
So what? So what if I feel all mushy about being loved by God? Well, I’d like to think that lots of other people have that same kind of mushy feeling. I’d like to think that we share a common heart – his heart – and that as a result we want one another to see his will accomplished on earth. The Bible tells us, though, that we all have different gifts, different callings, and different purposes. That means that our job is to do what he asks. I have been asked to bring the surprise of hope to people in East Africa. You may have been asked to serve in an entirely different way.
So many of you realize this and have given generously to support Surprised by Hope in a variety of ways – frequent flyer miles, textbooks, clothing, fabric, money, prayer, and words of prophecy and encouragement. Your giving makes all the things you read about on the blog possible. You have helped change the life – present and future – of soooo many people. You make a difference and I could not do this without you. Thank you for walking with me as I continue to be surprised by God’s amazing agenda…one day at a time.
I’ll be back to share more in the Field Ministry Blog when I return to East Africa on November 27.
Thank you and God bless you!
Leslie Kisakye Mosher