Dear foster mommies,

We traveled home from South Carolina safe and sound. Katie’s girl was a bit antsy being stuffed tight in the lady’s backpack, but airport security overlooked it because she was so little. Kayla’s girl didn’t like that her hair got messed up while she was in the pack, but the Hogarth’s girl helped her fix it up again. We really don’t like being carried in that backpack…too squishy. We all took a nap after playing crazily for hours when we got home. But Elizabeth and Emily’s little girl refused to rest. She was so excited about being adopted she couldn’t sleep.
The other girls, the ones who didn’t get to go visit our Beaverdam friends, asked all kinds of questions. They wanted to know what the foster mommies were like and what things would be like for them when their African mommies finally adopted them for good. They decided to get dressed up and pose for the camera in hopes that someone might make their dream of having a real mommy in Africa come true.
Dolly girls
P.S. Here’s a picture of each of us who have foster mommies so they can tell us apart.
Cary |
Christian |
Elizabeth and Emily |
Hogarth's |
Katie |
Kayla |
Manchester Family |
Rann Kids |
Taylor |
Nancy |
Kathy |
Gretchen Africa |
Gretchen USA |
Judith P |