Over 100, that's how many dollies have been made so far. Cut, sew, stuff, stitch on curly black yarn hair. Little faces go on with red and black marking pens. Simple little dollies now set aside waiting for tiny flowery dresses and ribbons in their hair. Cut, sew, stuff, set aside. Cut sew stuff, set aside.
I drew the face on dolly number 112. Instead of setting her aside I looked into her round black eyes with their long lashes. She smiled at me and I almost heard her say "I'm going to Africa"! Tears welled up and I held her to my chest and prayed for the little girl in Africa who would hold her and love her. May the Lord bless and keep her.
So much love goes into making the dollies. Thank you to our Sunday school class at FBC Palmetto for making these dolls possible with your donations of materials, sewing little dresses and praying for this ministry.
We love you,
Bill and Judy Hildreth
If you’d like to send a dolly to Africa, click