Flour, eggs, oil, salt, and who knows what else get mixed together by hand until the perfect consistency readies the dough for shaping into orange-sized balls. A small but fat wooden dowel serves as a rolling pin to flatten the dough for cooking on the charcoal stove, along with just a touch of oil. Katie and Sophia were allowed to help a bit with the work and together the ladies did a fabulous job. I love chapatti, but so often it’s too oily for my taste. These works of art, though, were perfect!
Africans tend to use chapatti as a type of scoop with their food or they put fried egg in the middle and roll them into a rolex. I, however, would like to suggest cinnamon and sugar, or peanut butter and banana (I would say jelly but the jelly here isn’t like Smuckers), as the perfect compliment.