This normally bustling tourist town sits quietly on Sunday morning, not ready to wake until past 8:30. Criss-cross iron gates cover the storefronts of most businesses. I’d hoped for a bite of breakfast before finding the taxi to Buwenge, but even Flavours was just barely peeking out through closed doors. The staff recognized me and put chairs out, they even turned on the internet for me. Approaching the 8:30 wake-up time, I was granted access to a…get this…peanut butter Snickers muffin. Yep, all my favorites wrapped into one teeny tiny little bite of a muffin hardly noticeable on its plate. The knife and fork were entirely unnecessary given the single mouthful of food, yet using the utensils helped extend the pleasure just a bit. This unsuspecting (and way WAY overpriced) muffin was fantastic! Hmm, there must be a way I can replicate this muffin on the gas burner…