The women work all day long preparing meals for the visitors, meals the size of mountains that no right-minded muzungu could even begin to finish on his or her own. They kindly ensure I have the only fork in the village for each meal. Standard Ugandan fare often includes several of the following: cassava, rice, pocho, beans, greens, peas, g-nut sauce, beef, chicken, and goat. While I do actually like traditional Ugandan food, the fact that it goes in looking the same as it comes out plays with my mental faculties just a bit.
I am truly honored that, although this is a cultural norm, these women would slave over all they do to ensure visitors are well cared for. I was never a very good American wife in the traditional sense – a fact made known before I got married – and I’m quite sure I would fail miserably as a Ugandan wife in the traditional sense as well. I can only stand with my mouth agape as these ladies work tirelessly and endlessly in service to us. Bless them in abundance, Jesus.