Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Sanctuary Christmas

A peek in the window of the small home for children netted while screams of welcome and hands reaching through the bars trying to hug me. Silvia unlocked the door and I stepped inside to the gushing hugs of Chris, Huntington, Faith, Chakira, and all the rest. I was so happy to find that all the children we healthy and happy.

I brought a simple Christmas coloring page with me and delivered an age-appropriate lesson while the children colored. I’ve never heard them to quiet and intent as when they’re coloring. Each proudly presented his or her finished page for my praises and approval.

After coloring, Chris (the eldest and most inquisitive of the bunch) demanded we play Chutes and Ladders – a game gifted to the children several months back. They’d never quite captured the rules of the chutes and the ladders so playing a full round with me to guide them seemed to help. Now Chris knows how to teach the others to play.

 I am always surprised at how much the two littlest children have grown. Raymond and LoHear are getting so big. Check out some pix of LoHear when she first came to the Sanctuary. What a difference. While she’s usually so quiet and observant, and sometimes even afraid of me, she was quite happy to find her way to my lap and watch the game. Just before I was headed out the door she began chatting, the first time I’d heard her make a peep. Thank you, Jesus for healthy, happy children and their loving caretakers.