Monday, June 10, 2013

Vision for Rural Pastors

Eighteen leaders smooshed into the sitting room of Pastor Amos’ guest house in Nyaravur, West Nile. These men are all members of Vision for Rural Pastors, a ministry started by Pr Amos that focuses on equipping rural pastors for ministry…and it doesn’t get much more rural than this. Four days together gave us the opportunity to get beyond the formalities of our new relationship and penetrate the hearts of these men.

Sometimes we forget that pastors are people too. They have weaknesses, strongholds, and fears just like everyone else. Our morning ministry time was designed to address a new topic each day that eventually led us all to being better able to be servant leaders. God showed up. He helped us remove strongholds, overcome unforgiveness, tame our tongues, and prepared our hearts for humble service.

Our times of prayer together each day were unmatched. Guarded hearts slowly received healing, broken relationships were restored, and prophetic prayers for each pastor reached the ears of our Creator. Once again, I wondered, of what value can I be amid such distinguished men? All I had to do was show up and then get out of the way and allow the Spirit to do the rest. It’s an amazing dynamic really, supernatural. All I had to do was show up…