Participants were leaning forward in engaged anticipation so
much so that I thought they might gobble me up. So many familiar faces lined
these benches as the pastors and other leaders learned about product pricing,
budgeting, bookkeeping, and financial reporting. Pastors must have additional
sources of income to support their families, but we made our learning relevant
to the church as well.
Most of these people indicated they’d never learned about
money management before and, as much as I hate to say it, it showed in the way
they’d planned for this event. Our mistakes are often our best learning
opportunities, aren’t they? Real life examples and solving those real life
problems are the best teachers and I’m thankful for the ability to make
relevant our learning on the fly.
The sounds of heavy downpour on the iron sheets disturbed us
just a few times but we loved the worship that filled in those gaps.