Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sensible Shoes in Awasi

On November 22, the 7th anniversary of my husband’s sudden death, I am humbled to share what you have done to bless 140 children, 44 pastors, and me in Awasi, Zombo, Uganda. The very depth of meaning the Sensible Shoes ministry brings to my memory of Rick and how I cope with each anniversary is beyond measure (read the back story). Before I shared the Ephesians 5:1-2 message about walking in the way of love with the children gathered outside the church, we prayed for an outpouring of the Spirit on these pastors. Each pastor was given three pair of shoes and charged with allowing the Holy Spirit to show them the three children over which to pray.

The day following the Sensible Shoes ministry, Pastors eagerly reported that they felt so blessed by the opportunity to give shoes to the children of Awasi and to pray over them.