Sunday, May 8, 2016

Abaana Ministries Testimonies

Surprised by Hope spent three days with leaders from 13 Christian primary schools associated wtih Abaana Ministries back in March. We introduced these leaders to the first and second sessions of the Entrepreneurship Series and when we returned last week to deliver the third and fourth sessions we received so many wonderful testimonies.

Some of these changes seem rather obvious; however, when asked why these income generating projects had not yet been started most responded that they just never realized they were possible. We praise God for reminding these leaders that they are created in His image and for refreshing their creative thinking abilities.

Arise & Shine Primary School
Our problem was the need for a temporary structure for P3 and P5 students and our lack of funds. We called the parents who were unable to pay school fees and asked them to contribute anything they were able toward that payment. These parents brought bricks, sand, and poles, which were used to construct these classrooms.

Prince of Peace
Our problem was that the nursery classroom structure broke down and we lacked funds to rebuild it. We asked parents to contribute what materials they had and we are now constructing that new block.

New Foundation Primary School
Our problem was that providing food for the children was difficult without fully paid school fees. We had land that could be sold to buy food, but after this teaching we realized we could clear the bushes and planted crops like cassava, maize, beans to use to feed our puples.

Christ Church International
Our problem is a general lack of funds in the church. We had land that was unused due to lack of sufficient funds. Pr Moses and his group contributed small money which they used to plant four acres of maize and they are expecting a lot of profit from the crop this season.

Calvary Chapel Kasega
Our church was under foreign financial support and was suddenly cut off, which effected the income of the church in the village. However, we had land and so after this teaching Pr Augustine went back and sat with the committee who decided to clear that land very well and plant maize of one and a half acres, which will be a new way the church can get income.

Kisole Baptist Primary School Busia
Our problem was a general lack of sustainable funds in the school. After we left this training, we went back in Busia and bought three piglets and 1,500 bricks. We wanted to erect the structure for these animals as a school project for side income.

Buyobe CU Nursery & Primary School
After the teaching we were really so much challenged. When we went back we called for the committee meeting where we planned and agreed to do a project of a piggery. Right now we built their houses and we have paid for piglets from one of the good farmers in our village (waiting for them to be weaned) for our project.

Lady Taina (?) Nursery & Primary School

After getting the training we went and rented land of four acres. We planted maize, 2 acres and then we are going to plant beans 2 acres. We did not already have this land and got the idea from your teaching about how it could help us.