Thursday, March 9, 2017

$3.10 Poverty Challenge: Day 9

Day 9 of the $3.10 Poverty Challenge began with feeding myself on the Word of God with a continued study from Women of the Bible, this week about the mothers of Moses and God’s promise to be with us regardless of our circumstances. Today’s lesson has me pondering the point of life. If our circumstances are irrelevant to who God is and his faithfulness to us, what is the purpose of life itself. I know the answer, but deeper contemplations ensued.

Praise God, today is a work from home day. Small piles form when I’m serving the Lord away from home and collectively stare at me wantingly. I’ve had some financial records to sort for work being done in Uganda, revisions to our curriculum, review of our recently received video recordings from the Nakuru training, travel booking, preparation for two days of training beginning tomorrow, and oh so much more. I’m thankful for the opportunity to tackle these tasks and feel the relief of their accomplishment.

Without the cost of transportation, I have the opportunity to use my entire $2.20 for food today. Unfortunately tomorrow will require more than my allowance for transportation and so I ought to be frugal once again in my choices for food. I’ve missed fruit and meat these 9 days, though I have not been over hungry, but the light at the end of the tunnel is coming.

As I reflect on the Poverty Challenge, I am once again reminded that I was able to plan for entering this time of feigned poverty and again am able to look forward to certainty that this time will end after 10 days. Those living on less than $3.10 per day don’t have that luxury. They cannot look forward to a meal with meat or a piece of fruit.

SMS    0.35
Nuts    0.20

Balance $2.20 – 0.55 = $1.65. Hoping that plus tomorrow’s allowance are enough to get us to our destination.