As if Ramada isn’t far enough off the main road,
which is it, Mariani is even farther after turning of the secondary road. So
much so that I began to wonder if there were any people in this place at all.
Hidden behind tall bushes along the narrow trail were stalks of already-harvested
maize waving in answer to my question. We soon found a tree under which sat a
dozen people, soon accumulating to more than 50, gathered at the last minute to
hear an encouraging word from the white woman. For a moment I’d forgotten where
I was and thought this would be a quick meeting between the pastor and me
simply to see and pray over construction progress.

Pastor Isaac testified that, after 25 years of
pastoring this church, he is finally constructing a permanent structure as a
result of what he learned from our Kingdom Business teaching in Hadu a few
years ago. We give thanks that he is a faithful servant of the Lord using the
resources of the church wisely.