Tuesday, December 1, 2020

100 Christmas Dollies 2020 Beneficiary

Originally meeting under the mango tree, Nazareth KCC in Marafa, Kenya hosted a Kingdom Business seminar. Invited by assistant pastor and dolly maker, Sami arranged for this training for these very humble people. 

Following that training, the church erected timbers to mark their frame. Adding iron sheets to the roof would take some serious saving.

They did it. Iron sheets top this rickety structure as it sways in the wind coming from the hillside.

 Their sacrificial giving in such a humble place inspired Surprised by Hope to share in the joys of community and select this in Marafa as the recipient of the 100 Christmas Dolly gift for 2020.

Will you join together with KCC Nazareth Church and Associate Pastor Sami in bringing their church to the next phase of construction by sponsoring a Christmas Dolly? Click here to go directly to the giving page or read below to learn more about how the program works.


Who Qualifies

  • Several criteria qualify a church to receive the 100 Christmas Dollies gift.
  • Attending a Kingdom Business conference.
  • Applying Christ-centered business lessons toward positive change in the church. We acknowledge that there are many ways to apply our lessons and that not all of them are tangible. However, our goal is to leave a tangible, long-lasting legacy and so we aim at selecting churches making physical improvements.
  • Evidencing self-motivation toward tangible church goals without expecting this gift.
  • Experiencing life in community where our gift is but a small portion among the giving of many members.


 How it Works

  • Choose the one (or several) dollies calling your name.
  • Make a tax deductible donation of $25 per dolly using PayPal, or send a check in the mail to the U.S. address at the bottom of the home page. Don’t forget to include your dolly number(s) in the comment field.
  • On Christmas day we will provide a hot meal to the church and a simple Nativity message to the children with a gift of all the sponsored dollies.
  • Watch for a picture of your dolly with his or her new Kenyan mommy or daddy on social media or via email.
  • Then we’ll use your dolly donation to invest in the construction for Mountain of Glory Church in Ganda. Watch for future progress updates.
  • Pray regularly for the child who received your dolly and for the church.


 Read About Previous Gifts


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