Waving us down at the Taxi stage, this dear man welcomed me with a hug even though we’ve never met before. I like him already. A short distance off the main road over the typical dusty, rutted pathways, Robert directed our car to his home. Unlike the typical Ugandan homes made of mud and sticks or local bricks, the solid steel window coverings and steel doors gave the home the more guarded sense you’d get when walking past a store that was closed and locked up for the night. Robert commented as we passed through the doorway leading to the back of the cinder block building that it was like entering a prison.

They all greeted us and invited us into their clean, neat home. The small living room was furnished with a leopard print sofa, love seat, chair trio (something akin to Art Van style) and a dining table big enough for the seven family members plus one. Robert put his gift bags away immediately and I felt a little funny asking to take his picture as he opened the bags so I let the moment slip by. He did note that he was particularly excited about the Christian book as books are a very rare commodity in Uganda.

Sadly our schedule for the day didn’t allow for a longer visit. Robert and Monica graciously invited us to return and stay with them for a few days, which I just might take them up on. A whole new batch of children screaming mzungu as I go by is rather enticing. I’d like to think I can turn that thrill into something God-based and constructive. I am so privileged to have met this family, to have a friend who will drive me all over kingdom come, and to have a friend who trusts me to be her hands and hearts in her precious relationships.