The workshop was intentionally designed to draw participants through the design process for a personal research project. When the workshop was over, faculty had a very good draft outline of their personal or team research project that incorporated peer and facilitator (me) feedback. All the workshop materials were made available electronically so that participants could combine that information with scholarly books and articles to begin fleshing out the research project. We’ve tentatively scheduled a draft deadline for March and a final paper with complete research for June. I’ll return in June to work with the teams to evaluate their final work and to establish a plan for a December national conference, at which I will also be present, to present these papers and then help them start on the publishing process.
I absolutely loved watching the participants move from very loose and somewhat confusing ideas to very tight, solid, and viable research designs. With the utmost sincerity I can say that this was the most wonderful group of professionals I’ve had the honor to work with. Every teacher’s dream. I very much look forward to staying in touch and coaching them along the research and publishing processes.
In the end it was this teaching style that drew the most favorable comments. Dr. Kakembo challenged faculty to incorporate the style into their own teaching plans. Here are a few other comments. I have been blessed.
· The approach to the training workshop was fantastic. Please keep it up and may God bless you.
· Facilitator’s approach to teaching the research process was innovative and well received.
· The group participation was great.
· Ready (online) access of materials should enable us to follow up closely (most appreciated).
· Facilitator was able to connect with participants.
· Presentation structure was well organized.