Cultural studies show that keeping time differs among countries, sometimes by hours. Mzungu and African’s know this, but sometimes reconciling the two can be a challenge. Observations of the lifestyle here reveal why this is so. Life isn’t driven by appointments but instead by relationships. What does the woman working in the field to plant and harvest cassava need with appointments? Or, if guests stay a little longer than expected, your next agenda appointment will wait. All this to say that at the beginning of the first film showing, about 30 people were seated. At the end of the evening closer to 50 people presented themselves.
Calvary Chapel Namulanda recently received its first coat of paint and, although I felt like I was at the bottom of a swimming pool, the color was pretty close to NOOMA blue. We strung up the film screen (made from a giant piece of banner-like material with grommets) and tested the sound system and film projector. Surprisingly, everything tested perfectly. NOOMA Rain |001began at 6:30 and my computer cut out (quit, stopped, shut down) half way through the film. Yes, I audibly gasped. No, this doesn’t normally happen. As I held my breath, I was reminded that I should really have a backup of my hard drive on some external source. I attributed the failure to the generators and potentially some power surge, but praise God the computer restarted without event.
Chris translated as the film progressed, which interrupted the flow of the story but was very necessary to ensure the message was understood. Following the film we broke into four small groups. Each of the ministry leaders was equipped with the discussion guide and led the men and women through the questions to help ensure they understood the film and had an opportunity to present their hearts before God. Alozious and I led a group together and, not surprisingly, the men were most open to discussing their observations and applications while the women were more quiet and reserved. Although, when called on, the women began opening up.
While no earth-shattering stories were revealed during this time, I believe God is using NOOMA Rain to soften the hearts of the people as they ponder its content throughout the week. And, I believe attendance will double for next week’s showing.
Thank you to Pastor Wilson for partnering with me by sharing your church, your equipment, and your ministry leaders. Thank you to Pastor, Chris, Alex, and Alozious for your participation as ministry leaders…together we make a great team!