“I can hear his voice saying, ‘I love you Alozious.’ When God speaks to you, you feel you can finish the day.” This response flowed from one team member following a preview of the film NOOMA Rain |001. At one point in the film, Rob says to his son – as a metaphor to how God is close to us in the storms of life – “I love you buddy. We’re gonna make it.” Can you hear his voice too? Can you hear him saying, “I love you [insert your name here]. We’re going to make it.”
The ministry team from Calvary Chapel, among others, shared their first experience with the NOOMA films this morning. As a God-shaped bonus to this semi-formal presentation, each person came away with some new insights about the character of God.
Pastor Wilson said, “There are people who don’t know they’re in the bosom of Jesus Christ.”
Alozious said, “Everyone, including men, can cry out for God. In the Bible they cry out for God. It’s okay for men to cry out too.”
Herbert said, “We tend to think that God is only for those who are well off and that someone who is hurting, who is hungry, who is lacking has no God. Even those who are hurting think they are rejected. I’ve learned in a new way that this isn’t true.”
The real purpose of our get-together was to determine whether or not these films might be useful as a video ministry. Without question, the answer was a resounding “yes.” At about the time we were wrapping up, Chris hopefully asked, “Can we watch another one?”
Needless to say, the video ministry was warmly welcomed and the church ministry leaders are filled with ideas about how best to make this outreach a success both inside and outside the church. I am so thankful for them and that God is allowing us all to work together to make this a life-changing experience for people who need to know God in a new way.