Following the business teaching, which was originally intended to be specifically for women but ended up being for the whole community, we watched NOOMA She. While the message of the film was well received, something did seem lacking.
In retrospect, the effort seemed mismatched with the immediate forerunner of the Creative Futures workshop. No one anticipated the difficult transition or the possible confusion of focus. Perhaps I am the only one sensing a disconnect, perhaps not. I believe I was so focused on delivering the workshop content that I gave less effort and focus to properly delivering the film ministry. Believe it or not, much mental energy goes into both efforts and it’s not easy to keep the details for two entirely different ministry approaches in mind. Perhaps I could have connected the workshop and the film ministry in some way that would make the delivery of two different topics seem less choppy.
Whatever the case, the response to the film was favorable and I learned a few things about what it means to do two different types of ministry sequentially.