We lugged this giant bag of potentially dangerous supplies into the O/C’s office and made arrangements to launch the program on Sunday. We were allowed to bring the goods to the prisoners only to show them that we are serious about helping them learn or improve skills.
We called forward the tailor and cobra and both men had grins from ear to ear. One man, the tailor, was particularly smiley. Perhaps I noticed his dimples. The men were immeasurably happy and thanked us profusely for believing in them. Another man said that if he had this short list of supplies he would teach brick laying. All the skilled tradesmen joined in with their short lists.

As we left the building, I looked once more for that flat rainbow that caught my attention as I’d entered. I’d never seen a flat rainbow before. I’m sure there is some important and significant meaning in that beautiful sight just before entering. I know we were all doing something pleasing to God.