Gretchen is a woman whom I’ve never had the privilege to meet but instead I’m blessed to know her daughter in law. Sharon told me the story of how very much her mother loves dolls and together we concocted a Christmas plan for this unsuspecting mother. As a precious gift, Sharon sponsored twin dolls for her mother in law. One of the twins would be a gift for her mother and the other twin would be given to a girl in East Africa.
I knew I had to find just the right girl for this special gift and I trusted the Holy Spirit to reveal her to me. Here’s how it happened. I told you the story of the
Juice Lady; and during the holidays I met her adorable daughter. No school means children often work or play alongside their parents and Buchla was no exception. Several days of getting to know this sweet young girl and it finally occurred to me that she would be the one.

The day I readied to deliver the doll, Buchla was dressed as if preparing for church. What was she wearing? A dress that perfectly complimented her new dolly – black and white with red accents. I knew I’d chosen the right girl. Her face simply glowed after receiving this gift and she and her mother were profusely grateful. I told them the story of Gretchen and her daughter in law and that the doll she now carried had a twin in America who was being loved just as much as she would love her new doll. I don’t think any maama-girl pair has ever been so expressive about this gift.
But this girl, working hard alongside her momma, needed a little something extra to go along with her beautiful dress and her new dolly. She was given some very…Sensible Shoes.