A quick visit of encouragement to the men of Bugembe Prison and they were eager to show me the progress they’d made in making girly dresses using the pattern my maama made. This is the same pattern the Konoweka ladies have and could be using, so comparing their efforts and their skills was valuable. What did I find? Two adorable girly dresses, using fabric donated by the Caring and Sharing women in Florida, almost perfectly made. The single stitch that joins the dress is tricky but they did an excellent job. The pattern is simple and the instructions are straightforward but comprehension is sometimes challenging because we just do things differently. What to do with these dresses? Let’s give them to the maama prisoners for their babies. All the men cheered! I’ll be exited to arrive and see a baby wearing the dress. Your dress sponsorship helps provide the supplies to keep these tailoring programs going while students learn. If you'd like to check out the girly dresses availaable for sponsorship, click here.
Kakira prisoners stand in readiness to begin their training program. This prison is smaller than Bugembe and so the pool of teachers is also smaller. This means that the tailor who was here, and who was intended to teach tailoring is no longer in prison. We wait for the next arrival, although we try not to wait anxiously. The cobra and shoeshine work, though proceeds with the guards and leaders thankful for the investment in their school of misunderstanding.