Carrying two big bags of little girly clothes from Liz attracts more spite than honey. If I give clothing away, that means the vendors aren’t making money. By Ugandan standards, I probably had a year’s wages of clothing in these bags. So…I dodged the boda-bodas and slimy pits in the walkway as I headed to the back of that alley way where children were playing.
Along the way I came across some hopeful prospects for this abundant blessing, each of which wore something pink or purple. Upon request, however, I was told that these were boy children. In Uganda, color does not signal gender but even so I wanted to be sure these pretty clothes went to a girl.
Tasha was sitting on the steps leading to a vendor stall with three other boys. Hmm…just the right size. I asked the nearby lady whose child she was and was led behind the building to the maama. Everyone watches out for everyone. I showed the clothing to Tasha’s maama and she asked, “how much are you selling these for?” My reply, these are a gift for you from a lady in America. We want to show you that God loves you and that he is a God of abundance not of poverty.” She blinked. Paused. Grinned. Shook her head…and said thank you.