Heidi delivered the Fragrance of the Lord message to the two women in Bugembe prison (12 had
just been released). Those ladies were so blessed by Heidi’s tenderness with them. Thankful and sweet. Happy to get their new fragranced goodies and Bibles, they loved hearing that God loves women and that our sacrifices are a sweet fragrance to him. (Remember, no photos of the prisoners allowed.)
The Officer in Charge greeted us following that visit with the women and eagerly showed us the skills training he implemented in making chair/desks, which included some woodwork and welding. Ya, the prisoners are allowed to have iron bars, welders, electric saws and the like. I was surprised but there was much security and the mindset of the men had changed since we began our skills programs in that they loved being productive rather than idle and wanted to keep the program alive.

I was so pleased to see that he was aligning his vision for these men with what Carpenter John had dreamed of for so long and what we implemented just over a year ago. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen alignment of programs and I wonder about how good God is to affirm that we’re all doing the right thing by orchestrating our hearts in the same ideas and ways. Who was first, whose idea it was…doesn’t matter. What matters is loving these men enough to invest time, money, and talent so that they can walk in the way God has created them. Pray that I am able to gain audience with the Ministry of Prisons (or whatever it’s called) to have the prisoners begin making their own uniforms.