Pastor Fred – a former Kamuli
resident – joined me in that small town as well. Pastor Fred is an excellent
teacher and we’ve been working together for a while now. Pastor Fred is
learning the content as well as developing that content more fully so that we
can co-teach at least some of the various workshops in the Jinja area. My goal
is that we can equip and empower Pastor Fred and leaders like him to facilitate
either alongside or independently so as to expand the reach of the Gospel
message with teachings applicable to practical everyday life.
We found one another in front of
the Kamuli Supermarket as I purchased the props needed for illustrating lessons
about creative and critical thinking as well as asset-based development. And then
we found eager students waiting for us at the church. Our time together passed
quickly but certainly not without many moments of realization. I love helping
people see God in everyday life and helping them come to terms with their
identity in Christ. This realization – that they are created in the image of
God and ought to be imitators of Christ – changes the way they look at
business. Imagine…if we can influence the way people conduct themselves for
Jesus through daily transactions in the marketplace because they understand God’s
economy according to Scripture…we can do anything with the help of Jesus.