Sunday, September 8, 2013

Life in Africa Graduation

The ladies anxiously awaited our arrival. The big day finally came when Vickie (from VKids Trust Uganda) and I would celebrate their graduation from tailoring and entrepreneurship classes. Though two of the graduates were unable to attend as they were caring for sick children and the tailoring teacher was in the hospital as she developed an infection post c-section delivery. Lots of prayers were sent their way before we moved on to recapping our learning time together.

Encouraging these ladies was and will continue to be an integral part of this group’s needs. Ugandan women, particularly women from the village, are culturally mandated to have a lower place in society and so encouraging them – not to have a place higher than their husbands, but to see themselves as precious daughters of their heavenly Father – will be an ongoing need. Once they realize their position with the Father, they will have the confidence they need to boldly build their businesses and contribute to their families, communities, and to the body of Christ.

We reviewed the entrepreneurship materials along with the documents I left behind for them to study and use for refreshing later. We answered questions and I did all I could to impart last bits of knowledge to them. Now we all need to pray for them…daily. This group is a bit different than any other I’ve worked with and so they warrant special prayers from the 100 Christmas Dollies sponsors.

Each woman was given fabric and notions from which to make her first dress. That dress will be worn when she moves around the community to talk about and display her new tailoring skills. The ladies are walking marketing products. They were asked to wear their new dresses to graduation and as you can see they are looking beautiful!

After handing out certificates of completion, we joined hands and prayed for one another and for those who were missing. We called down God’s abundant blessing on their efforts to establish themselves and to hone their skills. Closure…sniffle. Of course I’ll return to visit and refresh with these ladies and I love to send them out of the nest, but I’ll miss our twice weekly teaching and fellowship time together.

Thank you to every one of the 100 Christmas Dolly MAKERS and SPONSORS for making this almost year-long project possible. And thank you Jesus for loving us all enough to join our hearts together in glorifying you with the work of our hands.

One of the practice dresses walking around the village.
Lots more around this place, great way to practice!