Thursday, December 26, 2013

Mountain of Glory Church in Gede

Developing the ability for abstract conceptualization was the motivation behind The Art and Science of Thinking workshop. Under educated people often find it difficult to be creative, to generate ideas, and then to transfer those ideas to something that becomes real. This skill is essential to helping people break out of their present circumstances. Further, that people realize they have this ability because they were created in the image of God gives them the courage and desire to try to break free.

For example, in Uganda women use a broom that requires that they bend at the waist all the way to the ground to sweep. As a result the mindset is that unless you are bending to the ground you are not really working. Yet women in Kenya added a handle to that same broom which does not require such strain. Why? Because they were able to identify a problem, visualize a solution, and then make that solution a reality. The example is simple but life-changing…just ask any American woman how she’d like to bend to the ground to sweep her patio or driveway.

Pr Daniel Kadenge graduated from Bible School in a Briefcase in Watamu about two years ago. He invited Surprised by Hope to teach a sampling of the Entrepreneurship series workshops as a teaser for a bigger workshop after the new year. Initially, the participants were few but as the days progressed the number almost doubled.

We spent a considerable bit of time helping the group develop an understanding of what it means to generate an idea in their mind and then translate that idea into reality. Although the concept was difficult to grasp at first, I believe we planted some good seeds that they’ll harvest before we return for the bigger conference.