Anana peeked at me through her mother's scarf in fear of the
mzungu, though living in Malindi town should have soothed those fears some time
ago. As we waited for Sunday service at Malindi Methodist Church to begin, she
continued peeking with such curiosity. One of those peeks, though, was rewarded
with this beautiful dolly wearing a sparkly purple butterfly dress. Anana
noticed the sparkles looked something like the sparkles on her pink pants. She
poked at the doll curiously and didn't really seem to understand the
awake/asleep eyes but when the dolly fell to the ground she was quite
Anana's dolly comes to you, Molli, from your grandma Susan.
I saw grandma Rogers when she and I both visited my mom's house in Florida back
in July. She thought of you as she carefully chose this dolly to give you for
your birthday. I know Susan has gone to be with Jesus now and so receiving this
gift might make you a little sad. But she wanted you to know that she loves you
in a very special way. I don't think any of us know then just exactly how
special this gift would be.