In the 52 years of its independence, Uganda has struggled much
and the potential for history to repeat itself increases as Museveni refuses to
relinquish the presidency and as those who seek to replace him are somehow forcibly
"discouraged." Citizens express a great deal of frustration over this
problem and feel helpless to do anything about it.
Despite these exceedingly difficult events in their short
history, there are a few bright spots. For example, as a foreigner I am allowed
access to the country without a long and questionable visa application process.
I am permitted to form a business and a ministry here without disturbance. I am
able to obtain a work permit by following the proper procedure and paying the
posted fees. I can walk the streets in safety. I can travel alone pretty much
anywhere in the country and not be bothered by armies, gangs of thieves, cattle
raiders, or other mass problem-makers. I can buy my food in the fresh food
market or the supermarket…or I can grow it on my own land. Most importantly, I
can exercise my religious freedom by attending whatever church I wish whenever
I wish to attend. I can play worship music in my home and spilling out my
windows. I can pray with someone on the street. I can love and serve the Lord openly
and without fear.
Yes, there are LOTS (and I'm not kidding when I say LOTS) of
things that are broken in Uganda. Oh so broken! But instead I chose to focus on
seeking first his Kingdom and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33) because I can. I
can love Jesus freely and openly in Uganda, when there are so many others who can't.