Dolls. These girls are absolute dolls. Rovinsa and Millie live together, although they’re not sisters. We had the opportunity to visit with these
Mercy Uganda sponsored children who are on holiday from Covenant Junior School in Kyamagemule. Lauren conducted an interview of each child to help Mercy Uganda and their sp
onsors ensure she is well cared-for. I was given the gift of delivering Christmas boxes from their sponsors.

Not the first time I’ve had this opportunity, I noticed that Ugandan children – unlike American children (and adults) – don’t tare into their boxes to see what’s inside. They just look at the top of the box with puzzlement. After being instructed to search the content, the girls weren’t quite sure what to make of the whole thing. A gift?

One of the questions we like to ask the children, to help the sponsors, is what they might hope for if they were to receive a box. Millie said books and pencils. Guess what just happened to be inside her box. The family thought that was a wonderful treat.