The melodious voices of the Kitodha women welcomed us in the ceremonial way that seems to be customary to Ugandans in the bush. They clapped and danced and sang until we finally moved to another part of the beautifully manicured lawn. Henry and Lauren delivered four sewing machines to the group just three weeks earlier so the two were recognized and we were all welcomed. Each time we visit a bush village I’m impressed by how welcoming the people always are.

Red plastic chairs sat behind a short coffee-type table to set us apart from the rest of the group. In a very formal and official manner we were welcomed and introduced through a translator and through Henry. I’m not sure why they all laughed when Henry introduced me. Music is a big part of the Ugandan culture and the welcoming ceremony tends always to include special music. Two girls, one whose name was Mercy, sang songs about mercy. The entire ceremony was arranged around the gift of mercy in tribute to Mercy Uganda.
This visit was scheduled so that we could check on the community’s progress with the machines and to take information about possible child sponsorships. The group was very open and forthright about their activities. Read more in later posts.