Friday, July 15, 2011

The Teachers Association to Cater to Children

The Teachers Association to Cater to Children (TTATCC) was founded by Mukaya Alone, forever known as “the man who followed me home,” in 2006 and registered as an NGO in 2007. Alone is a teacher at Kennedy Primary School in Namulanda and uses his earnings to fund projects in Buwenge, his home village. During our most recent meeting at Fishing Village (a restaurant near his school and my home), Alone presented a very well thought out and well organized plan for the organization. Honestly, I was both surprised and impressed.

Alone detailed the mission and vision, accomplishments, and future objectives. To find a small organization so well defined is unusual. Yes, room for improvement exists but they have a very solid foundation and evidence of successfully moving toward that vision.

The Association has a vision of seeing the underprivileged children of Buwenge transformed into a productive generation. Their mission is to save orphaned children without discrimination. In addition to meeting with the TTATCC Board and teachers, we visited each of the projects undertaken by the organization.

Our first stop was the guest rooms made ready for volunteer workers. Behind this storefront is a row of small dorm-like rooms designed to be used as lodging. The hope is that people will come to work in the community as with short term missions and because the community is so small and underdeveloped, having lodging available was viewed as essential. I wondered about maximizing the space perhaps as a hotel or as a home for the orphaned children. I see that lodging would be needed for volunteers, but perhaps home stays would be a suitable option given the immediate need for the children.

That this small community is so trusting God to meet their needs that they continuously step out in faith is a wonderful example for us all.