Our time was short in Buikwe, shorter than I would have liked. Sometimes I think I can get more than one thing done in a day…but that never seems to happen. Our visit began at the little eight-person church before heading out to the village where the majority of the population is Muslim. I had my eye on this little girl, daughter of the pastor and his wife. She was happily drumming and shaking her “tambourine” made from bottle caps.
Daniel grew up in Buikwe so the community welcomed us eagerly. We visited a few homes and were greeted warmly. We were very warmly welcomed. I pray we have the opportunity to do more than just greet families next time we come. I know Daniel agonizes over the fact that these people need Jesus.
I wanted the tamborine but was afraid to ask. She was
really enjoying her job. |
Almost the whole congregation can be seen in this photo. |
Sugar cane fields of Lugazi. |
Can you see the jjaja sitting under the tree? |