Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Sanctuary Babies Home

As always Carpenter John is finding ways to keep me busy. We visited The Sanctuary again to talk more about how Surprised by Hope might be able to help this ministry grow. It’s always risky making such visits because people tend to assume you are bringing money (or at least have some financial capacity far greater than reality). What I’ve learned, though, is that although Surprised by Hope is not in the business of giving money, God is in the business of expanding his family. He can and will use people to help other people as he wishes and as we are obedient. I never know how he’ll do that, but every project in this ministry is a testimony to that fact…a surprise.

Mike hopes to learn more about web development so that he can keep the website up to date. A teacher lives in the home and teaches from the home as well. Mike hopes to finish this school building so that the children can have a change of scenery for at least part of the day. Mike believes a website will help raise awareness. I’m hoping Alex will help arrange a whole web development class for many people in Jinja during the next visit. Web development workshops are always a challenge given the lack of access to consistent power and internet…but we manage.

Of course no visit to this beautiful home would be complete without spending time with the children. They were enjoying their one cup of porridge for breakfast when I arrived but quickly surrounded me when we read the Berenstain Bears story about courage. We thanked God for the courage he gives these children every day and they drew some beautiful pictures to show God they’re thankful.