Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Films Motivate Participants

As is common in all of Uganda, keeping time at the workshop in Karamoja was a challenge. I’ve begun to wisen up to some teaching strategies that will both reward those who arrive on time and encourage late comers to arrive on time the next day…films. It worked.

NOOMA Rhythm is a film that explicitly illustrates the art and science of creative and critical thinking – lessons taught in the first session of our workshop in Karamoja. Although these remote African leaders had some difficulty relating to the idea of a symphony, they certainly understood the importance of music in worship. Pastor Martin longs to have a keyboard for his church because when people hear the sound they come to see what’s happening…their inner hearts respond to the music…to the rhythm (click here if you’d like to give a keyboard).

The children were just as interested in the films.
Perhaps there's an opportunity there.
Not only were we able to successfully illustrate the way art and science combines to give us something more complete, but we were able to share a time of ministry together. We talked about being in God’s will, in rhythm, and how significantly our lives are impacted by this simple act of obedience. I adore the opportunity to pray very specifically with each of these people.

The next morning NOOMA Rain was in the lineup and the participants were lined up to begin on time too. We discussed the various metaphors in the film – a tool sometimes lost on people here – and the students began to awaken…light bulbs. From the film we moved into some warm up exercises to stimulate creative and critical thinking and today – I believe because of our discussion about metaphor in this film – the men and women were significantly sharper in applying their thinking skills.

I wonder if the leaders at Flannel ever expected these films to be useful in this way. I’m so very thankful for their generous provision of this ministry and teaching tool. Thank you! (Time to start thinking in Kiswahili J)