Children’s faces peeked through the iron bars that secured their home. Their voices shouted with joy as they anxiously awaited my approach. Tiny bodies piled on mine as soon as I sat on the bench to greet them all. Why did there seem to be so many? Who could ever leave such beautiful children alone in this world? Two additional young ones sat on the floor watching the chaos with veiled interest.

The children were seated at school desks which gave Michael
the opportunity to explain that the landlord wants to sell the house they are
renting and so they had to move the school structure outside the compound. So
many of the children are old enough for school now and school fees are
impossible in this situation. So, Silvia and another woman teach these children
from a room about 12x20 just outside the gate. Michael and Silvia are doing the
best they can with their growing brood – growing because local officials are
recommending their home to the homeless babies in Bugembe.