The Battlefield of the Mind still epitomizes the struggles I
see in so many people in Uganda. I brought ministry about the passive mind to
these ladies to help prepare them for post-teaching work. I want them to see
right now that they need to fill their minds with God’s Word and that they will
have to be active in finding work. I want them to avoid the trap of the enemy…the
expectation that money will just fall down from the sky or be handed out by
some white person. We’ll continue to add ministry and business teachings each
time I visit. Please pray for open and receptive minds.
The ladies continue to gather daily for tailoring teaching
and their progress is wonderful. They’re learning to sew the last skirt style
and we’re told the next project will be dresses. Teacher Carol has assured us
all that we’ll get to learn all the different pieces of clothing before our
time is up. I’m already thinking about how we can continue the teaching by
adding non-clothing items to their skill set (curtains, pot holders, diaper
covers, and the like).
Would you like to come to Uganda on a short term mission
trip? We’ll focus on learning to sew from patterns, identifying those items
saleable in Ugandan markets, and learning how to take the knowledge they have
and make something new. Contact
me if you are interested, I’d love to have three or four people invest
their time and talents in these women and in this community.