Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Four Film Flurry

Small wooden benches jammed with eager children littered the Mountain of Glory church in Marikebuni, Kenya. As darkness descended, adults began replacing those small sleepy heads so that by the time the second film began there were more than 50 adults in attendance. Given the distance between homes, this number is pretty significant.

Four NOOMA films – Rain, Lump, Luggage, and She – offered these Kiswahili speakers a visual telling of some key messages found in Scripture. Never before had these people seen such messages packed in a visual form they could understand. Though some of the visual images may have been outside their understanding, Pastor Njuguna retold the stories in Kiswahili with explanations where necessary.   

The best part…Pastor Njuguna indicated that post film interaction with people revealed that they seemed to understand these simple messages from Scripture in a new way given the visual mode of delivery. Isn’t that what they were intended to do?