This group specifically asked me to spend some time
ministering to the widows in the church. Often the coordinating pastor –
typically someone who knows me well – senses a resonance with the specific
church group we’re with and invites me to share my experience as a widow at a
deeper level with the other widows. Our goal is to help them realize that God
will use all things for the good of those who love him and have been called
according to his purpose. In this church, I found something I really don’t
recall seeing elsewhere. The dozen or so widows formed their own group – they
ranged in age from 24 to 64 – and all were helping one another. I have not even
seen this kind of solidarity and unity in a non-widow group. They absolutely
loved one other, sacrificed for one another, encouraged and strengthened one
another, and were an abundant blessing to our Father. What could I possibly
teach them? They were so instrumental in instructing and loving me. Wow. More