Saturday, February 22, 2014

Michenyi Community Church

Sitting atop one of many beautiful rolling hills in the Mbarara area, Michenyi Community Church boasted stained glass windows (of sorts) which offered a stark contrast to its mud walled exterior. That contrast made this church feel so very beautiful, that and the lush green landscape surrounding it on those rolling hills.

The evening before our scheduled workshop the people gathered inside the church for a time of worship. I joined them with a few worship dance steps and a greeting of welcome. Most attendees traveled for several kilometers to be here and would sleep inside the church that night in anticipation of our time together the following day.

Frank the Rooster has now been consumed.
Between 40 and 50 participants gathered while Pastor George and I co-facilitated the first two workshops in the Entrepreneurship Series. When teaching about asset-based development, Pastor Yoram offered a personal testimony as to how this approach benefited him.