Monday, February 24, 2014

Ojiga Presbyterian Church

The end of the paved road in Paidah demanded that our overloaded boda bodas climb some serious hills in north western Uganda. More than 10 kilometers away, Pastor Charles and I were safely delivered into the hands of a very welcoming pastor. My little mud hut was expertly prepared by single mother Olivia who undoubtedly had the gift of hospitality. Perhaps the only roll of toilet paper within 10 kilometers rested innocently on my bedside table.

The next morning 28 pastors (both from Congo and from Uganda) eagerly waited for their personal ministry time before the bigger workshops began. I love having personal time with pastors. These men of God often feel isolated and bringing them together in this way offers a time of ministry and fellowship with other men like them who have similar trials and triumphs. I feel so blessed to play a small part of facilitating this union.

Our four-day workshop from the Entrepreneurship Series proved invaluable for these pastors. They raved about its usefulness and ease of application before promising to return with powerful testimonies of successes both in their personal lives and in the church. I love the encouragement these men received and am thankful for the opportunity to deliver the Word of God through business teaching.