Monday, February 3, 2014

Windows for Mountain of Glory Church

First, take a look at the blog post that describes how and why Mountain of Glory church in Marikebuni was selected to receive a gift from Surprised by Hope and all of you. In short, the church pastor applied what he learned from the Entrepreneurship Series of workshops and built a permanent structure for his church.

The tomato farm in its early stages
overlooking the church.
Tomatoes ready for the market.
Second, take a look at the progress Pr Ephantus made as a result of the wisdom of the Lord and the hard work of him and several church members.

Third, take a look at the 50 Christmas Dollies and the children from Mountain of Glory church who received them on a Christmas day celebrarion.

Fourth, take a look at the windows the funds raised from your 50 Christmas Dollies purchased for that church.