Thursday, April 24, 2014

Afayo Means "He Cares"

Focus on one particular community is an excellent approach to ministry in underdeveloped nations. Needs in such a country are most certainly vast and holistic. And so the focused approach allows for a more complete healing and restoration of that community. Afayo is a ministry that takes just such an approach. They’re primary concern is for the education and livelihood of this community so that the orphans can thrive.

I was recently invited to introduce the Entrepreneurship Series of workshops there and enjoyed the first two sessions with them. Before the teaching ministry began, though I got a tour of the church, the school, and the farm project using the Farming God’s Way method. Though I don’t know much about this farming method – or any farming for that matter – the point seems to be that being more efficient in the way farming is done will produce higher yields. Given that agriculture is such a big part of the economy in Uganda, it makes sense to teach these methods both to adults and in the schools. I believe what Afayo is sewing in these children will most certainly be harvested in their generation to come.

Our first two entrepreneurship sessions together went very well. About 50 people attended and slowly caught on to the fact that they have the ability to do so much more if they accept that they are created in the image of God, have the mind of Christ, and are called to be imitators of God. As always, I loved watching the light bulbs come on and see the change in their overall attitudes as compared to when they first began.

I look forward to following up with them to find out all the ways God has used the teaching to change the way they do life and business.

Alex is a boy magnet. They love him wherever we go!

These girls are practicing Farming God's Way

Alex co-facilitates, he's an excellent teacher!