The date finally arrived when I would spend two full days
with 25 of the many pastors who comprise Pull the Net. Men and women filled the
narrow wooden benches at the small church in Buwenge and were ready with their
pens and paper. These pastors have arranged themselves into a group called Pull
the Net and desire to develop their congregations and their communities both
economically and spiritually. But they also realize that they cannot be
effective servants and pastors if they too are suffering economically.

The value of teaching pastors cannot be over stated. Not
only are these pastors better equipped to establish and grow businesses to support
their families, they’ve also gained the skills needed to grow their churches
and to assist their congregation and communities to grow. Further, they are at
least refreshed about the biblical basis of business and why they can be
successful. Of course the knowledge from just two sessions doesn’t stick
completely, but with Pr Fred and Alone in the area there’ll be lots of support
and encouragement. I’m excited to see what God does with all they’ve absorbed.

So thankful to have the chance to develop and deepen
relationships with pastors. Our impact can be exponential!