Friday, August 12, 2016

100 Christmas Dolly Church Visits

The Love & Respect team was blessed to be welcomed by two previous 100 Christmas Dolly award recipients as they testified about what your gift has done at the time alongside showing how their own application of what they learned in the Entrepreneurship Series continues helping their churches even today.

Grace Abundance Church in Watamu, Kenya received the 100 Christmas Dollies gift in 2014. Pastor Owino applied what he learned in the Entrepreneurship Series both in focusing his church strategy on evangelism and in teaching his church members about the use of farming to support the purchase of church land. In 2015 they poured the cement making the alter and purchased the handcrafted pulpit. In 2016 they are building up the small rooms and digging the pit latrine (in coral rock).

Grace Abundance Church. We kinda forgot to get a distance photo showing
the plot and the small building being erected.

The platform and to the left the pit latrine and small rooms are being built.
Mountain of Glory Church in Marikebuni, Kenya received the 100 Christmas Dollies gift in 2013. Pastor Njuguna applied what he learned in the Entrepreneurship Series by planting tomatoes on church land and using the profits to construct a permanent structure. In 2014 he planted peppers and in 2015 he planted okra. In 2016 Pr Njuguna planted on 3 acres of land and is working hard to harvest it all. Your gift afforded windows for the church.

Windows (the iron bars) fill ever opening in the church built from planting.

Three acres of various fruits and vegetables went from plants to fruits
during the time of our conference.

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